Djaloshi vallëzon me këngën e Justin Bieber dhe ‘çmend’ internetin (Foto/Video

djalë shtatëvjeçar ka ‘çmendur’ internetin me vallëzimin e tij.
I riu, i quajtur John Phillip Bughaw aka Balang, ka thyer rekordin e tij të mëhershëm, me një video që ka publikuar tani, duke vallëzuar me këngën ‘Sorry’ të Justin Bieber, transmeton gazeta Kosova Sot Online.
Video është shikuar mbi 2.5 milionë herë brenda 16 orëve, ndërsa është shpërndarë më shumë se 41 mijë herë.
Më poshtë mund të shihni vallëzimin.

The child even dressed like the girls do in the Bieber film clip, and borrowed some of their moves
During the video the young boy begins to sweat and can be seen fiddling with his glassesHe tries to copy the moves in the original film clipand shakes his whole body to the beatNo stranger to dancing this boy had some killer dance moves of his ownJohn Phillip Bughaw aka Balang is a seven-year-old boy who has taken the internet by storm
He dances to Justin Bieber's 'Sorry' in his latest video
Djaloshi vallëzon me këngën e Justin Bieber dhe ‘çmend’ internetin (Foto/Video Djaloshi vallëzon me këngën e Justin Bieber dhe ‘çmend’ internetin (Foto/Video Reviewed by Tipi on 9:52 AM Rating: 5

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